Christ’s love can be spoken through any language barrier – verbal and non-verbal.  A smile, a wave, a simple handshake or hug…It speaks more than you know.

I have to imagine the women in the local prison here in Adjumani are the receivers of very little of this verbal and non-verbal love.  Their day to day life is incredibly difficult.  What’s the difference between me and the mom sitting inside of those prison walls?  They were caught and charged guilty.  The reality is that we are all sinners in need of a Savior.  We are all guilty.  But God STILL LOVES US.  That’s why we have to GO.  That’s why we have to SHARE.  That’s why we have to LOVE.  That’s why it makes such a difference when you see smiles and laughter on their beautiful faces.  Even the tears show that change is happening, walls are coming down, and barriers are being broken.  The women are opening up.  They’re searching for acceptance and love.  It’s a love that can only come from God, but we can share.

Sharing an afternoon with the women in the prison here is one of my favorite ministry activities.  They are hungry for TRUTH.  When we were there with the team in September, one of the women wrote every Scripture reference mentioned in the sand.  I pray the Lord has written them on her heart.  I pray they know that even in their sin, Christ died for them.

We’ve witnessed the incredible impact that happens when you build intentional relationships.  You don’t just show up once, twice, or even three times.  Change happens in consistency.  We can see the desire the people around us have to grow and know more.  Why would I leave the comfort and my home and everything I’ve ever known?  It’s so that MORE can know this free gift of salvation for everyone who believes.  So that more chains can be broken.  So that my friends here can walk in the glorious LIGHT.

God Bless You
– Sydney Mugume