Our Story

Executive Director, Collins Mugume, spent the first thirty years of his life in Uganda, then moved to the United States where he married and started a family with Sydney. Though immersed in Western life, God’s call on Collins to return to Africa and bring the Good News of Christ to remote villages remained constant. In 2013, he co-founded Mtoto W’afrika (now Truth+People). From 2016 to 2023, Collins led the ministry from the U.S.

In 2024, the Mugume family moved to Uganda to pursue Truth+People’s mission full-time. The heart of their work is Jesus’ commandment to love God and love others (Mark 12:30-31). The ministry’s efforts are directed by the belief that Christ’s saving work, the Gospel, is the solution to every problem: poverty, war, disease, addiction, corruption, etc.

Why Truth + People?

Truth is not a feeling or opinion, but an absolute and constant – the Person, Jesus Christ.

His work for us is to bring His Truth to people.
– Mathew 28:19-20

Truth+People uses sports ministry, vocational training, and medical clinics as avenues to share the gospel and works in small groups to disciple them. The great commandments, Worship God (Love God) and Serve People (Love People), point us to the Great Commission, which leads us to strengthen and disciple local churches.